Tuesday 7 May 2013

Character Archetypes

I had a good idea while discussing my work with people who are doing similar projects which was to study more in depth the archetypes which most successful characters are based around. I remember looking at this topic a little bit at the start of the first year and finding it interesting, so I will see what else I can find out about archetypes and how important they are while researching my interest in this module.

The Archetype definition on Wikipedia.
Although archetypes can take on innumerable forms, there are a few particularly notable, recurring archetypal images.
  • The Child
  • The Hero
  • The Martyr
  • The Sky Father
  • The Great Mother
  • The Wise Old Man or Sage
  • The Wise Old Woman/Man

  • The Damsel in distress
  • The Trickster or Fox
  • The Devil or Satan
  • The Scarecrow
  • The Mentor
  • The Warrior
  • The Threshold Guardian, a test to test the Hero
After researching and looking into what characters are important when and why, I have decided that I will compare the character designs I have been given to the character archetypes that are listed here and see how they compare. This may inform me as to if I need any more characters to push a narrative along or if it would make a good story. I will do this is another post including pictures to reference as well for better contrast.

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