Tuesday 21 May 2013

Two Of My Landscape Pictures

A quick sketch I did for the 503 project followed by the final developed piece which I have used in my transmedia animatic sequence. I like how easy it is to see the transition from the first one to the second one. I also tried to keep the colour range in the entire piece very similar as it helps to just keep the overall feel of the piece related to the colour I have used, for example the browns and dark yellows keep the composition looking very earthy and uninhabited which is the kind of look I was going for.

I also tried to keep the layers as organised as possible because I knew that I would be using them for the transmedia aspect of the module and would need to animate the different parts of the image individually and this can be very confusing to do if all of the layers are unorganised and mixed up with all the different layers overlapping and effecting each other.

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