Tuesday 21 May 2013

Character Designs Page 2

This was the last but by far the most fun character sheet to create, I did this using the thin lines trick I had learnt previously and found that more details and intricacy lead to a more interesting final composition. The reference images were a big part of what I think made this piece stand out and work, I took reference from related content and pictures like what I would like to be able to create. 

With this last design I had a simple description that I needed to bring out as much as possible, I think I could have done way more on the side of detail and time on this piece, I was a little pushed for time when on this 6th character and think I have learned to maybe bite off as much as I can chew next time. I did try a different approach to this concept than the others as I didnt create a line art step before moving on to the colours and shading, this is probably what made it look a little under detailed and out of contrast but I think it gets the point across enough for an initial concept art character design.

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