Monday 20 May 2013

PPP Guest Speaker 1 Ant Ward

I enjoyed Ant Wards talk on his experience of the creative industry, I took a lot of notes about what he talked about and it was a good insight into what the industry is actually like and what we are to expect.
The biggest point I got from Ant was that contacts are super important, he said that if anyone was going out into the world to be a freelance practitioner then it is vital to have previously made some contacts to be able to have more of a chance of work opportunities and helpful contacts if needs be in the future.

The best part about the talk was afterwards when he came up to the studio and went around individually talking to students about any questions they had, I had a good talk with him about my own work and what he liked about it and what he thinks I should do. We discussed being a generalist or a specialist and he told me to keep going at what I am doing because there is natural talent there but also learn other things, I found this very helpful because it is my first bit of feedback from a true professional source and it gave me a bit of a morale boost about how I feel about my own work.

Here are some of Ant Wards contact details which I now follow as like he said contacts are everything and I will not hesitate to contact him in the future if I need to.

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