Monday 13 May 2013

My 503 End of Module Timetable

As our tutor Matt has told us time and time again that we need to manage our time better and try making timetables and sticking to them to improve our time management I thought that I would give it a try, from what I learned from the first year I have already really improved my time management when it comes to dividing workloads into manageable amounts but I thought anyway that I would give this a try as it may be useful to me. 

So like it says on the timetable today is the day before hand in and I am as it says on the timetable finishing up some of the remaining blogs I have not posted and ones that were not evaluated with writing. I have found this to be a useful practise as I have not had to worry at all about what I will be doing on what day because it had already all been planned out for me. I think I will be working in this way in the future, the hardest part about it was finding a fun way to do the time planning without being bored to death, I managed to screenshot my timetable and write on it in PS to keep it interesting and also useful.

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