Tuesday 29 January 2013

Ship Interior Concept Design

This was the ship interior I designed in Photoshop after getting a little inspiration from DA and just browsing images of interior spaceships online in general. I tried to get the overall feel of a sci fi ship by trying to keep the piece perspective looking and a little gloomy (from what I have seen this type of sci fi images works the best) and think that I managed this rather well. 

As shown in this lower image this is the kind of image that gets put in magazines and are called professional pieces, this is done by a username Dominuself and I have found that this person is also looking to keep themselves in the creative arts drawing industry by producing works of this calibur.

This is the kind of work I would like to produce more of. 

Another thing that I think I have done based on what I have seen done by industry practitioners is keeping the colour range the same throught the picture especially when it is a Sci Fi image really brings out the atmosphere and temperature of the image, like this image is blue and cold looking which is very fitting for a large ship interior wherehouse feel.

I will be applying this method when modelling my interior as it really pulls a picture together and makes the brain see and feel what the artist wants it to see. 

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