Monday 28 January 2013

504 Moodboard

I have made myself a moodboard for the project to try and get the theme of what I was trying to portray across, which is that of a Bladerunner/Judge Dredd type of dystopian world where people are restricted by the government and law. In this case though I think the focus of the module is just in creating some good visual effects instead of creating a good story and reason for doing so, I would like to try and get as much of both in as I could so this is why I have looked into the story of my piece maybe a little more than other people might have. Anyway I chose a load of pictures that I thought show cool ides and concepts and basically want my stuff to end up looking like, here it is.

The pics I have chosen from include things from DeviantArt which are just artworks that fans have made, stuff from starwars like the interior of the millennium falcon, the floating city also from starwars, a few Halo artworks I think and just generally high rated google search images but which are all relevant. 

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