Monday 28 January 2013

Location And Effects Ideas

A 20 min sketch of what my scene may look like in one of the shots of the 1 min video I will be creating. 

We were told that we may be shooting in the royal armouries courtyeard space location and that instantly seemed to me like it would be an awesome idea, the space and the atmosphere and the things you could edit on them huge plain looking walls and buildings down there would have been awesome. With this in mid I decided to sketch out what could possibly be a scenario and what one of my establishing shots might look like in my 1 min video. The ship would come over the top of the armouries and shine a spotlight down on the character with a loud radio voice saying some sort of warning message before they are beamed aboard.

This would be nice to do since I think a chance form the last year would be nice as I think the films they made could have done with a little more variety, but we will have to wait and see what is available on the day when it comes to shooting the scenes, and wether we will actually be allowed to film in a place like this in public as there have been issues before when it comes to filming in town or a semi populated place.

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