Monday 28 January 2013

504 Presentation Before Winter Holidays

We were quite busy at this point with the winter exhibition (Blogging about this soon) and so I had to do quite a quick sketch when it came to having something to present on the friday before we broke up for the winter holidays, I came up with this simplistic ship interior that gave a kind of industrial vibe and also a futuristic feel, sort of starwars/startrek ship interiors while also being quite like the matrix ship. 

I had two ideas which I discussed and they were 1. The character who is beamed up is then arrested by the cyborg people on the ship, this idea was a little mellow and I really wanted to get deeper into after effects and cool effects like explosions and gunshots. The idea #2. was that I could have the character who gets beamed onto the ship put up a bit of a fight and maybe shoots back at the people/cyborgs trying to arrest him, this opens the opportunity to a lot more after effects play time but also the prospect of more work to do, I was told by a few people that this was a little bit ambitious and that I may not have enough time to do this idea to its full extent but I really wanted to push myself so in the end I think I will be going with idea number 2.

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