Monday 28 January 2013

Cyborg Concept 1

I actually drew this right before the Winter Holidays but I didnt really like it so I waited a while before I went back to it and 'finished' (added a background) it. It only took 30 mins and dont think it truly shows what I wanted the cyborgs in my head to look like. I will come back to these characters soon and try making more detailed sketches to show more of what direction I wanted them to go in visually.

Another thing about the picture is that I could never get the perspective right and thats probably because I didnt really know what I was drawing when I started drawing it, I will again be working and trying to improve upon my perspective drawing which I think has already come so far this year even if it is not shown particularly in this piece. 

This was a little piece I did near the start of the module when I was thinking of other shots that might be included in my finalized sequence, I dont know how far I will stray from this general idea but would like to at least get a quick shot of this in my video at some point. This pic took about 25 mins to make but I got bored of it as it wasnt really going anywhere so I added a filter to it and left it as a reference image and said 'well theres that'. I may come in use at some point later down the line in this module.

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