Wednesday 30 January 2013

AE Lesson 5

This was the lesson where we learned how to make a couple of simple after effects particle effects by making speratre compositions and then nesting them together over and over until we are happy and then adding Effects from the menu to give them a more lifelike randomisation feel, then finally comping them all together for a finished simple usable result.

This is the final result I am happy with, it has a very nice finished feel to it which I like and this is because I decided to add a white background to imply that the particle effects were in a scene being filmed which again gives the impression of realism. I was thinking of the PIXAR lamp when I thought of a few of these processes as again that animation is very simple but is based in a light environment with no actual effort involved in creating it but it still frames the piece very well and finishes off a nice animation in an equally simplistic way which I think I have done here.

I may try this kind of thing when it comes to the final shot in my 1 min video which I think will be my actor being captured by the cyborgs, this might work as I want it to be a very simplistic looking scene with not much in it but with the focus being drawn to the fact that it is a blank environment with nothing to stimulate the mind which would then give the viewer a feel of isolation or being trapped, this is much based around the idea of a real prison cell where there are plain walls and very basic essentials to keep the inmates isolated and unstimulated mentally.

Here are the notes that I have taken and elaborated on in the lesson which I will leave as all yo have to do is read them to understand what I have done and learned in the lesson.

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