Monday 28 January 2013

AE Lesson 1

The FIRST lesson in what will seem like a lot of after effects lessons. We learnt the very basics in this lesson with things like solids, simple attributes and where they were, composition settings and a little on how to make ram preview work a little easier. Here is a very simple animation I made with my mad originality skills, its pong! Anyway the tutor Mike Flower seemed to like it and I dont think it is too bad for a very very very first after effects attempt, hopefully better more ambitious stuff in the future.


I dont think I need to write too much about this next JPG which I have already elaborated on in photoshop while I was comping all the screenshots of the days lesson together, I made most of the important notes on the image and have highlighed the aspects of what I have learned to be most important to me and the process in which things are created properly in AE.

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