Monday 8 October 2012

Starting Character Refining

These are most of my character design sketches for my airship guard concept, I like the colour scheme in these first ones the most as it gives the suit the character is wearing a skin tight latex look (which to me looks futuristic) a bit like the Mass Effect costumes. I did a few different designs and colour schemes for the initial design, which I am happy with, and a few weapon designs that the character could use. I think this is most in the direction of the character design I want to go in, all the other sketches below are just leading up to this more rendered design, so I will continue with more rendered designs in this idea.

I did some early character concept designs for different environments because I felt in the mood to draw figures (which is rare for me), so I ended up with these designs, they are of what the guard on the airship environment might look like, I like the second design more as it looks more complex and less alien than the first one.

One of my favourite ideas which ive always wanted to pursue is the viking theme, I decided to do some artwork based on this design because I felt like it, I found when I was finished that it wouldn't really fit too well with everything else that I am doing but that I could incorporate the design of the viking longboat and or the viking longhouse into the airship design, and maybe mix the two together.

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