Thursday 4 October 2012

More Developed Ideas 1

These are the concepts and paintings I came up with initially after the first few ideas I had, they are more defined and focused on what I decided to focus on. In our group we decided to all do a few pieces of artwork based on an idea or several ideas we liked, these are the ideas I thought would be a good opportunity to have a go at.
I have been experimenting with different styles of art and trying to get better at speedpainting, colour balancing and perspective. The factory concept shows how I tried to draw it fast and keep it simple, it also shows how I have kept the colour values fairly similar which I learned works in pictures through some research, I also added perspective to the image so really the factory concept as well as it being work for the project we are working on, is also a test for new styles and techniques I have learned.

This is a simple design showing what I imagine an airship to look like, I will be doing more refined sketches and work when I have looked at other environments that might work.

Another quick speed painting I did was based on the mountain top/ temple environment idea that I liked the sound of. I put both sketches up but the coloured one is the only one really worth looking at.

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