Thursday 6 October 2011

Artist Study - Gia Nguyen Hoang

Fuck yeah.... concept art is where i found these amazing images that link to my work really well.

I really like the simplicity of the character or large figure in the background, because it has less detail and colour it gives the impression that it is further away in the scene and i really like the idea that less can mean more in certain situations like this. I also like the perspective and layout of this image.

This again i like for its 'Less equals more' theory as the artist clearly hasnt thought too much about if the snow is perfect or blends well with the environment but instead has quickly thrown it on which gives the image a fast windy effect.

Another of the same artists work which i like because it reminds me of concept artwork for WoW Lich King which consisted of a lot of icy snowy scenes which is what i think i may have to get at at some point.

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