Thursday 20 October 2011

Artist Study - Angelicdevil

I have included this artist study as a completely new kind of art i find interesting, the artist known as Angelicdevil from deviantart uses texture and 3D imaging combined with good use of light and detail to create her images, i particularly like them for the sense of wilderness, the forests and the mountains and finally the sheer size and depth of the images have.

This artists work tends to look more real than some digital photoshop base created work i also like because they are done using already taken photographs which fooled me for a while when i thought they were completely manually drawn.

I love the silhouette and colour in the last image, the water could be blended into the sand a little better but other than that it is that well done it could be mistaken for a real life photograph. I think i have progressed a short way to producing images like this one when i had my photoshop induction and had to create a landscape but sill have a way to go to get images of this quality.


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