Friday 23 May 2014

PPP3 Review

Looking at other 2D art websites as possible options for more places I can begin to market myself I found this site, as a first impression I found the site to be a little poorly laid out, I didn't find the gallery button for a good 20 seconds as it was right at the bottom of the screen in small writing, websites should be clear and easy to use simply to keep things moving at a reasonable pace. The reviewing and rating system was a little empty too, I found myself looking at more than 50% of artists with no reviews and thus not being able to judge at a first glance wether they were worth a look or not, this could waste time and distract from the real purpose of the site. The site reminds me of the Adobe Behance website but a little less known and quieter. It was still worth a look even if I end up deciding not to go with a profile on there.

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