Thursday 22 May 2014

PPP3 Business Card Designs!

These are a few designs I picked from the web as reference for my own ones, I like artistic feel of the first one and the professional look of the second one, the third one I thought worked well because of the detail and clear presentation of skill on the business card. This being my opinion, I feel that 'creative' business cards are a waste of time, ones with jokes on or unnecessary cut out bits or weird sizes are a no go for me too, instead I think I will go with a normal sized and shaped business card and let the artwork on the card speak for itself. These are the cards I remember and have impacted me the most, so I will focus on these designs as much as possible.

Below are a few of the designs I have sent to print, I looked around and found that the website Moo has the most comprehensive business card layouts and ease of access for creating your own. It didn't take long at all to knock together a design I was happy with, if Id have known how easy it was I probably wouldn't have left it so long, the artwork I have chosen for the sides and back I think look good and work well on a small scale which again works well for me. The pictures here are screenshots, the actual files online are a lot higher quality and looked really good when I finalised the designs. I think that they represent me as an artist well and will be looking forward to using them whenever I have the chance in the future.

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