Friday 23 May 2014

PPP3 Positioning Statement

I had to google positioning statements to find out what one was as I have not had any experience writing or making one before, it wasn't as hard as I thought it would be as I was simply honest and got to the point which is what advice I found on writing one had told me to do. I am happy with the way it sells me and I feel for once 100% confident that everything I have written here is true and I can do what it is that I have written. With that in mind I am comfortable putting it up here.

Dan S Positioning Statement

My name is Daniel Schofield, I am a digital Artist focusing on conceptual artwork for the game and entertainment industry, I have worked with digital artwork programs for several years and have had several professional clients. Constantly learning and improving my skills to better portray the landscapes and characters I primarily work on, I have learned some of the industries top tips and tricks for timekeeping, working quickly, efficiently and getting the story of a piece of art across clearly. Primarily working in Photoshop, I have pulled in other programs as part of my workflow, using 3D modelling programs such as Unity and Maya to push the ideas and styles I try to portray in my work, these programs used individually I have found can also be strong tools when creating professional quality work in a different format. I also work with post-Photoshop programs such as After Effects and Video Editing software Final-Cut which opens up other possibilities presenting finalised renderings. Understanding how digital artwork can be used in a number of ways, as well as the techniques used by other top professionals, the before and after programs which can be incorporated, and finally the constant learning and improvement I maintain, I think gives me a competitive foothold in the digital artwork entertainment industry.

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