Monday 19 May 2014

PPP3 Backing the New CGHub

As I found out a few days ago the huge site CGHub has shut down, the reasons for this unexpected closure are troubling for most involved, I always wanted to have my work showcased on CGHub at some point in the future as it was a prestigious thing, but now it seems will never happen. There have been several upstarting companies trying to fill the void left by the CGHub website, I quite bluntly am appalled by the groups of people trying to seize an opportunity that CGHub has left when quite obviously they can not hope to manage a site as large as the one they are trying to replace, some of the websites I have seen trying to reap the benefits of CGHubs closure are a joke, but that aside I have found one creditable site which has been mentioned around the web and has got a kickstarter fund running for it, There are a few other sites which have cropped up recently and are worth a look, and I will be trying to get my work on to these sites as early as possible to be able to get the most exposure.

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