Thursday 1 May 2014

FMP Main Menu

This was an early draft of the main menu for the game which I thought worked well aside from it being very static. A tutor suggested that I remove the demo sign as well as the other buttons which will have no use when the game comes to completion, I took this on board and decided to clean up the menu and then the idea of the 3D title menu came up. All I would have to do is make sure the camera does not see any unsightly textures of 'behind the scenes' of the game, and put it on an interesting angle to view the bridge from and that would suffice as an interesting interactive looking main title menu, also again from suggestions the idea of having the menu screen move slightly was one which was incorporated, the menu now moves slowly back and across the bridge to again add a little more interactivity to it which I think works way better than a static image, at least in this instance. Below is an example of the newer version of the title menu.

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