Thursday 14 February 2013

Linked In

Linked In is a website where creative professionals connect and socialise to get to know new people better and maybe get a job out of it or work together because of it. We were all advised to create a linked in account to be able to connect online and find new people to maybe one day work with, I found the interface system while browsing on the site to be a little hard to do, also the community on the site seemed to be a little closed off and because of this put me off the site as a whole a little bit. I will continue to try use the site but think that traditional business cards and meeting people face to face may have a bigger impact when it comes to presenting your work and marketing yourself out in the world. Also the fact that it is hard to be able to share your portfolio with other users makes it a little less desirable for me as a creative as all of my work is presentable through images and video, links only go so far when they are a tiny blue strip of writing at the bottom of your profile.

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