Saturday 23 February 2013

Green Screen Filming Day 3 + Quick Storyboard

Our individual day of filming I thought I would take a few images from to show it went, we stayed in Uni for about 6 hours or more and did a lot of work, this was good for me as I had a feeling of satisfaction for spending a whole day working out of my own time when I could have done a bit of footage and then gone home early. I felt that other people thought my video was a little ambitious and that agin made me feel good because it felt like other people were confirming the thought that I am trying harder than normal which I thought that I was doing.

Now to storyboarding, on the day that I showed up on I came prepared, I made a quick storyboard on the morning just to solidify the ideas and camera shots I had in my head. I learnt from watching a quick clip from the Gnomon workshop how important storyboards are to creating a good story, even if I didnt spend much time making the storyboard (Which I think they implied that you should) I still think that I have learned that always coming prepared with a clear idea in your head and at least something on paper is the best way to do things if you dont have an overall large amount of time to work with.

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