Monday 18 February 2013

Destiny Game Post

This I came across when browsing the web at home for interesting things and it struck me as a good idea to do a VFX post about this as I really liked the initial concepts for the game as well as the way the concept art has been after effects'd to move slowly and give an impression of a 3D image. This is one of the highest profile and budget games that will have come out this year and think that missing this as a post would be a mistake, I also think that if this is one of the biggest games then it will have one of the best production teams when it comes to concept art and video development, therefore looking at the work produced by this team will be good practise because it is the best work out there and they always say you learn fastest by learning from the best.

I really want to produce this kind of work in my next module so I will be reposting about this in the future and elaborating and contextualising it to the next project.

I really wanted to make some after effects work like this but because I found this towards the end of this module I couldnt do any more concept art as it is quite time consuming if you want it to be any good plus I was way past that point in the module anyway, I will be looking at this type of work early on in the next module as I know how to use AE already this time and it will be good practise to do.

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