Saturday 8 December 2012

DeviantArt Competition

I entered a fairly small competition on DeviantArt as part of my PPP practise and came up against artists of this calibre, I really like doing landscape work as well as character concept art because it gives the painter a chance to portray and put images in peoples heads of scale and space which would otherwise be impossible without you know.. making the pyramids or something, I find it really fun to make huge scale pictures where the viewer can really see the depth and details in a piece and thought that I would blog about another artist that has entered this competition and that has traits in their own work that I would like to mirror and fins inspiring myself.

This artist did not actually win the competition even though I think that they probably should have as I liked their work the most, the perspectives in the bottom picture as well is something that made me like this picture enough to blog about it, the bottom one is again from another competitor in the DeviantArt 2D visual artwork competition which I sadly could not find again the get the name of the artist for it.

I do not think that I fully met my potential when doing work for this contest, this is because there was a limited amount of time left to create something for it but also because of the sheer amount of work that I had to do for the 505 module which was taking up pretty much most of my spare time at home and at Uni, I am thinking of entering another bigger contest in the near future and will try and focus more on this type of artwork when it comes to doing our own brief in the 506 module which will be coming up after the VFX one this year.

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