Saturday 1 December 2012

505 Final Crit And Feedback

This is the check sheet for what needs handing in on the deadline of the 4th of December (practical hand in deadline) and what needs handing in on the 6th of December (blogpost hand in deadline). I got a lot of good productive feedback on my comment sheet when we all went around and assessed eachothers work in the final crit of the module. I got stuff like, need to make my character move more in realistic ways, and nice texture but environment is a little dark. I will talk more about this in one of my next blogposts, where I will have uploaded all the playblasts that I used in my crit to be assessed on. This is one of my favourite ways of assessing eachothers work, it does not take a full day like the present at the front of the class crit does, it also helps people put forward their opinion as it is an anonymous comment and people are not afraid to write down what they think.

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