Sunday 13 April 2014

FMP Unincorperated Aspects of the Game 1

With time and software limitations I have had to leave out a few of the core things I would have liked to include in my game for the FMP project, I wanted to add things like runes and cards which would be special use items that would enhance or allow the player to get past certain obstacles in their way. In the end I am glad that I thought about them and they are a definite possibility in the future for making or remaking the game that I have done so far but as of now I think they will just have to be included in the art book for the game and documented here. The runes were a fun part of the lore of the game, the world in which the game is set, symbols or runes of a certain type are known to enhance what they symbolise, for example a sword with a rune of power engraved upon it would be stronger than one without, in real life these things are thought of as superstition like dreamcatchers or lucky cats but I thought that I could make these things a big part of the culture and the driving force behind the way this imaginary world works.

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