Tuesday 15 May 2012

Sound Design Industry

I recently did some blog posts on the game design module which talked about the processes used to create my game space, also addressed the issues and problems i had as well as talked about the sound i used and how i got it in, in my game. I have come more and more to realise that sound in ANYTHING makes a massive difference, in games, films, videos and pretty much anything sound adds to the experience.
From also seeing some of my class mates end of year presentations I have come to realise that any of the films or animations made that included sound make a much larger impact on me than silent presentations.
I wish for my presentation that i had included sound and will definitely be doing so in the future.

I found a good website which evaluates and explains why and where sound design in games is good, I found it very insightful and got me thinking about games I forgot that I had played and noticed things i hadn't the first time i played the games. Here is the website that i found.


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