Thursday 10 May 2012

Lighting Game Space

One of the defining feature i would like to think of my game space is that the lighting is very dynamic and adds a certain mood to the environment, much like a previous study i have done on gears of war, i would just like to add how lighting can define a game as good or bad when it is such a big factor in a game and when you can tell a lot of work has been put in to that aspect of the game.

The contrast between the light and dark makes the bump mapping and textures stand out and look in my opinion a lot better. This is something i have gone for in my own level.

The way shadows and the shading in the game work make objects look overall more 3D and nicely textured, and in contrast more realistic is another of recent games defining features. 

I have added light into my own game and tried to catch the contrast between light and dark by widening the gap between the levels at which light is managed. eg light things are lighter and dark things are darker (not as much grey) 

Some of the points mentions i hope are portrayed in this image of my game space.

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