Tuesday 15 May 2012

Animation Studio - Distant Future

Quite a while ago we were visited by a former student of this course and it was interesting to see how a student that was in the same position as i am in now has got on after passing this course. The student i think his name was Richard told us about the struggles he faced in getting work after the course, he talked about how it took a very long time to break even and to get work as a small animation studio. This is not exactly my problem as i want to advance in a career in concept art and or game space design, although the difficulty will probably be about the same.

The team Distant Future also talked to us about the projects they had undertaken and how they acquired the jobs that they got. I was surprised at how easy it is to make connections in the industry and that seems to be one of the key features in getting work and advancement in all the industries that this course is preparing us for.


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