Thursday 10 May 2012

My Game Sound

One of the final things I added to my game space was sound, i only used two simple sounds but think they work well in my small area, the sounds i used were a fire crackling, as part of one of the main features of my game the fire. also the rain outside the building which can be heard a lot louder when looking through the gap in the upstairs door. I used 3D sounds for both of these to add to the illusion of the space being real and i think it works, i thought about using windy noises and maybe some thunderstorm ones but decided against it when i had to remove the terrain from my game.

This is the sound editing tool, 3D sound is a little different to 2D sound in that 2D sound can be heard all around wherever the player is and 3D sound changes based on where the player moves around the scene.

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