Thursday 10 May 2012

Concept Art Developed

These are the most recent pieces of concept art I have done for my tavern, they show the colours and shape of the room and also the layout i have planned from the start.

This piece of concept art is mainly focused on the colour of the piece, I want to keep the whole level quite warm and wooded. 

This is the floor layout of my level, I believe I have stuck to this plan 100% as it is exactly the same in this layout as it is in my finished version. I had a long think about what a typical tavern looked like and also had a long search around the web to find inspiration. I came up with this layout entirely myself and am happy to say it is an original layout.

This is one of my earlier pieces I made right after making my first asset (the table in the middle of the room) and have stuck to this idea as i worked through the project.

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