Tuesday 22 May 2012

Evaluating PPP...

I have decided to evaluate PPP itself and try to get my head around all I have researched throughout the year. What my initial thoughts are, are that even though 25 seems like a lot of posts, a whole year has gone by but i have still managed to come short in posts as i am required. This is not due to a lack of things to blog about but about myself as a person. I do believe i have progressed even though I don't think I have fully met my potential blogwise, but this year as a whole i have learned so much and progressed so much it is hard to explain it all. I know that time management is a key thing to focus on when it comes to doing work next year but I can stress that i understand its importance due to the fact that i am writing this with about half an hour until hand in deadline. I WILL MANAGE MY TIME BETTER!

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