Wednesday 14 November 2012

Richard A online purchase

This was I think the first time I have ever purchased a video online, most of the time you can watch big screen films or mainstream things on the internet for free (Not that I advise this ;P) but with smaller more selective videos produced exclusively for a website, like the video I bought and downloaded, there is just no other way to get them than to pay for them. The thing is I will happily pay for these videos because I know that the artists and people making these videos are making and seling them for a fair price and for what they are worth, whereas mainstream companies will only try to make a profit.

Anyway I found this video very inspirational and useful to my selected practise, and think it is a big step forward for me as an individual to have started branching out and finding these new exclusive pieces of content that will hopefully improve my trade and advance my career.

Also here is the link to the website where I made the online purchase.

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