Friday 16 November 2012

Deviant Art Competition

 Jason Felix did the cover art for this competition.
So this is one of the earliest competitions I have entered this year as part of my PPP module and self directed practice. Deviant art is a good website to connect with and show case yours and others artwork. I have been a member of this site for a few months now and am getting more and more work up and a little recognition. Recently they held a competition for members of the site which has four categories for anyone to enter any number of times, I naturally entered the Entertainment 2D Entries section as 2D digital art is my thaang :). I know I havent won but it was good practice and was a nice opportunity for lots of new people to see my work, also if I had had more time I think I would have done a little better in the quality of work that I produced for this event.

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