Saturday 25 February 2012

Artwork of my 1st game idea

I have always loved the idea of fantasy - Final fantasy, world of warcraft, lord of the rings etc so it didnt take me long to decide that i wanted to do the fairytale tower version of the game module brief, i have always wanted to share my ideas with people and in this module i think i have the opportunity to do just that. My first idea is basically to make a stone tower that the player could either walk around and up he sides or maybe the interior if im feeling brave. 

This idea is kind of based on the style of the white city from LOTR, Gondor. I wanted the building to be made from huge white stone blocks but to have the look of being abandoned for a long time. I like to have a story to whatever i am making and if i do this game space then the aspects of the building will tell a story as to what the building was or used to be. The little things matter to me in a game.

Here is the white city I think my ideas relate to.

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