Tuesday 11 February 2014

FMP InDesign Artbook Creation


InDesign is a CS6 program I have looked at in relation to the art book side of my FMP (final major project) project, from this short video above I have found that it looks to be a powerful tool for book design and creation, I will see if I can get a trial version of the program to make some templates and see if they work or not for my art book.

Below is a very rough layout of what I think my ark book may look like when it is finished. I like the idea of a border but will find further reference in other ark books which have worked recently. Things like 'the art of' for recent films will help me a lot when deciding how I am going to do the layout of my art book. I have looked at 'The Skillful Huntsman' to name one already referenced book, the layouts in that book are simple but effective and didn't particularly have very themed pages to go with the work they were displaying but all around seemed to get the artwork across more without distracting from it with different fonts or page layouts. This is probably the route I am going to take but will see with more reference material to look at and decide upon.

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