Wednesday 6 March 2013

AE Last Lesson Notes

These are the notes from the very last notes I took from the AE lesson we had on doing render passes, I didnt use render passes in the end result of my piece because I added a lot of things in Post Production AE but either way it was nice to know how to work in organised layers in Maya and export different parts of an image which I didnt know you could actually do until this lesson. In the test version that I created and is shown here I think I did a rather good job of getting them all imported correctly and looking good while messing with a few of the settings to get it right, I understand that the render passes give the person using them more freedom to work with later on in the project as you can adjust each of the layers separately from one another. I will use this process later if I need to as it is the way professionally you are meant to work for the maximum amount of flexibility.

I heard a few names shouted out on a webinar I was watching the other day and decided to look into a few of the artists mentioned as they were mentioned to be Matte painting workers and this is one of the things I was going to look more into and work with but didnt get chance to or rather decided not to in the end. I also found a few useful tips and tricks when it comes to environment drawing from the website digitalartsecrets which I will use in the future.

Dylan Cole, Alp Altiner, Dusso

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