Tuesday 27 March 2012

Digital Media Artefact

Before editing my video i looked at maybe editing only pictures to get my point across as i think my speciality is working on pictures and not on film, i produced one picture i am happy with which is the Gears of War picture, i changed the colours in the picture and simply put it changed the entire dynamic of the piece and think that it stresses the point i have been trying to make across. I did want to do this for the ODST title picture and put it on the end of my sequence but think as individual studies it works better.

This is the clip i produced for the Digital Media Artefact which demonstrates my understanding of how title sequences effect the audiences understanding of a film or game. This is my finished piece with which i am overall happy with, i think the music i have chosen to go with it suits the feel i am going for very well, and i am also happy with the edited sequence of the clips. I took the original (Below) and took all clips of the humans winning any of the fighting, i also included clips from the ODST live action trailer (In an earlier blog), again taking out all scenes with the humans winning, and edited them in for more of a variation in the piece than the original. This also gave the video another dimension in that it makes it look as if two different battles are being lost in different places at the same time, giving the impression and overall feel of loss, losing and defeat.

The original video end with another spartan coming and picking up the bomb, flying with up in to the enemies ship and throwing it in, detonation it, completing the mission and overall winning. With my piece being cut off a little earlier and with the music climaxing at a different point along with the scenes never actually showing the human force winning i think i have successfully changed the outcome opinion of the piece from, Warfare with Hope, to, Inevitable last stand defeat.

Another reason these clips were a good to edit together were the fact that they dont actually belong to a film, they are simply teasers to a film that doesnt exist and as such are perfect clips to edit as if noone has actually seen the end product these teasers or title sequences are portraying then the only concept of the film they are going to understand is that of the teaser, in which case i have edited and experimented with and hopefully changed peoples perspective of what the film to these trailers would be like.

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