Tuesday 31 January 2012

Video Study - Green Wing

While our group was editing the second film together and deciding how to make the video last a little longer since we were short on clips i remembered the show Green Wing, the series is a comedy about hospital workers but there is a very unique camera style noticeable in the entire series mostly between shots where the camera will slow right down to capture the emotion and movement of the character then it will speed up and skip past less interesting positions, i was thinking this kind of camera work could improve our piece as a whole as ours at the moment only consists of our actor (chris) walking through town. I researched Green Wing for conformation on the camera style and found Wiki also mentions the style is very distinct, the only video i could find has a LOT of comedy value in it but the point i am making by adding this video is the camera style used as i am able to notice the speed ups and slow downs in the scene.

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