Tuesday 31 January 2012

Film 2 the Storyboard

This is the storyboard i did for the second film, the idea was juggled around a little because each member of the group had different interpretations of the poem (Introduction Unnecessary) i thought it was about a rapper and his day/life and talking about himself with visual imagary but adam seemed to think it was about someone who came back from war amd who has post traumatic stress disorder. We or rather i decided to do something we would be able to manage with the upcoming deadline, Define Me sounded like a good poem to do since it could be shot locally and with some discussion we could all work together on post production which would be the main focus in our piece. This is the storyboard i put together with the idea of town generally not specific locations (on the film day we went all around town finding locations we like)

Since i did all of this storyboard on the computer, when we went out to film i had to knock together a simplified version to go by, it probably would have been better to print this contact sheet out but i will do that in the future. Here is the simpler version i did for the filming day, took 5 mins to do.

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