Wednesday 18 January 2012

Film Study - David Guetta Music Video

This song was linked to me by a friend who just thought it was good, i thought it was really good not because of the music but because of the way the music video is done as i thought about it a little more in depth as i am currently on a film module. In the video you as the viewer dont really understand what it is about until the very end when it all clicks in your head what is happening, which i think is a good device especially when used in short sequences like this one. It turns out the child (from the film super 8 Ryan Lee, another film with supernatural themes) has super powers in a way and uses them defensively when he is trapped.

This kind of thing is what i imagined our final piece to be like in a way, ours lacks the camera shots composition and lighting in this video but overall the stories are similar in the way the viewer only realises what was happening in the video until the very end which i think we have achieved and am happy about. But overall this is the kind of level i want to be on in the near future and think it is a good study to show what i think i am capable of as well as looking at what else is out there at the moment.

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