Tuesday 17 December 2013

PPP and Thought Bubble

So Thought Bubble for the second time was fun, I didnt have as much time as the first to look around at everything the event had to offer. I did though get my questionnaire results that I needed for research in my extended essay (dissertation) module. It was a fun event as usual and I think the cosplay adds to that a lot, you find yourself talking with complete strangers in bizarre costumes and its fine! The image directly below is the 'costume' I went in, casual Thor cosplay :D I actually managed to get money off at the door for this which completely made my day haha. The other images are from the event also which I managed to spend upwards of £100 which I think is not a lot considering the amount of stuff there actually is there to buy.

I think what I learned from this Thought Bubble is that I am nearly ready to start marketing myself the same way these artists do at this event, I showed my work to some people who I bought a poster from and they said why dont I have a stand myself, I do think I am almost at a standard of work to confidently market myself to the general public, its just making that last step.

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