Monday 9 December 2013

CoP 3 Poster

We were all tasked with the making of a poster for the purposes of easily identifying what our CoP dissertation essay is about with others. I dont know if it was just me that thought a 'poster' is meant to be something that advertises a piece of media but in the most interesting way possible, a poster is meant to be eye catching and make the viewer want to look at and find out about what it is advertising, but from what I saw of the rest of DFGAs attempts at posters I began to think maybe Id done mine wrong, sure we were told to have an emphasis on writing but that contradicts what a poster essentially is, a picture sometimes accompanied by writing not writing maybe accompanied by pictures. 

Anyway I did this 'poster' as best and as interestingly as I thought I could selling a students 9000 word essay,  I knew that I would have to include some text and titles and things but the feedback we got on the day really solidified what I need to add and include to my 'poster' to finish it. 

I will be uploading a finished version of the poster with texts included soon, and overall think this was a good exercise as I like the look of my work all together which kind of sums it up in an interesting looking package.

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