Tuesday 15 November 2011

Tutorial Video Storyboard

For the digital film part of this course we have been started off with making a 1 min instructional video of whatever we wanted as long as it explains and teaches someone how to do what you are showing them to do. I went for comedy immediately because i have always been told and thought that making a film sequence is easy but making something funny now thats hard. I decided to call my 1 min video 'How to shoot two pistols while jumping through the air' and i bet you cant guess what it teaches you to do... anyway i was surprised to find that this is a project which i thought i would enjoy the least but actually enjoyed probably the most in terms of creating the imagery for the piece, this is because i did exactly what i wanted to do and had a lot of fun learning how to work a camera and manage time, write a storyboard, find  actors and all the other things that come with managing a produced digital film.

This is the initial storyboard i drew as i thought about what my film might look like when it is finished.

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