Tuesday 15 November 2011

COD Midnight Launch

As a personal interest i went to the midnight launch for the game Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 3, i have begun more and more attending midnight launches because firstly it gives a unique and interesting experience, secondly there are behind the scenes exclusive content which may even contribute to my understanding in the game arts and developers techniques so i consider it a win win to go to midnight launches not only for the fun of it, the fun of the games, but also for the things i may learn at these as well.

The book that came with the special edition of the game (also a great thing to buy as suggested by mike) is one of the best things about special edition sets as you again get behind the scenes and extra content that is useful to understanding the behind the scenes work we as a DFGA course are trying to get into.

The book which came with this special edition game contained a lot of the concept artwork for the game and also different styles of drawing and sketching that make the book have a very personalized feel to it. It was designed to look like a journal as well as serving as concept artwork for the game and then in itself becomes a piece of artwork, which is an interesting concept.

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