Tuesday 20 September 2011

Getting the cogs turning about Gears

Since im big on Gears 3 since 12.01am this morning (midnight launch) i think it appropriate the first blog i ever create be about the amazing new epic by Epic. I got my home computer back around a week ago and was looking for a 'super cool' new desktop wallpaper that would compliment my 32'' comp screen and thought, only a game as ott as the size of my computer screen would do - Gears! springs instantly to mind and so my google hunt for a worthy wallpaper started. I downloaded and saved a few potentials...
This was the wallpaper i landed on. What i really like about it is how the image seems to capture the attitude of the characters in it, the way they are completely outgunned with barely a chance of survival but me as the viewer can still tell that they mean business and are planning to take the brumak (giant beast thing) on. 

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