Friday, 5 October 2012

Thought Bubble

As part of this years PPP studies I have to blog about a conference or event that I plan on going to as part of a personal interest and study, the even that I have chosen to blog about is Thought Bubble, this event is based around illustration and comic artwork and has a large fanbase of people who attend in costume.

 I will be arranging this event with some students from my course (some of which will be attending in costume) and have thought about doing some cosplay but since I have not done much of this before I will just be attending and observing this time around. I will also try and make contacts there as that is more of what the second year of DFGA is about, getting students on their feet and making contacts themselves and getting out there.

The event is scheduled for the 17th-18th of November 2012 and I think I will be attending the 17th which is a saturday. I have looked at all of the lineup and artists that will be presenting at the exhibition and some of the art it outstanding and I hope to meet and exchange contact details with some of the top artists there especially the concept artists which I think I can learn the most from.

Here are a few in the list of artists which will be presenting at Thought Bubble.

This is one of my favourite pieces as I have tried drawing the character Thor in the past, personally I like following artists that are interested in the same subject matter as I am. I usually like to see and follow art containing weapons, weapon concepts, warriors, character concepts and speed painting art.

I will do another post containing my experience and what I have gained from Thought Bubble after i have been to the event, I will also talk about what I thought of the event and how much I enjoyed it.

Here is an example of people cosplaying characters from the starwars series, these are relatively good costumes and we may see some people dressed in these kind of costumes at thought bubble.

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