As part of PPP2 this year we need to indicate an interest we wish to get better at and study outside of University lesson hours, I have already over the summer been studying the art of speed painting, this is something I really want to get better at and think I have already done a fair amount of studying in the subject from my own initiative. I want to study this subject more because I really enjoy drawing and it amazes me how good speed paintings can come out even though they are drawn in about 20 minutes - 1 hour, I can see myself working in this part of the gaming industry in the future which is why I really want to and need to get better at it and study it more. I will continue to follow my interest in speed painting throughout the year and use every opportunity I get to do work in this style but keep it contextualised to the project I am working on.
Useful websites and videos I have found online include the website, this site has many free tutorials and some which cost to view, I will be doing a blogpost about this website individually so I will not go into too much detail about it now.
Another resource I use is youtube, I know that youtube can be a little unprofessional sometimes but when you find the right content it can be very knowledgable (also free which is always a bonus). The channel I have recently found belongs to an artist called Daarken, he has similar interests as me and I greatly respect his artwork, he is also very good at speed painting which I have already mentioned I want to get better at, I follow his tutorials and videos and try to add my own touch to it, I like to think from all the places I get information I am not just copying others' work but rather developing my own style with hints of many other styles. Here is a tutorial he uploaded which I used to practice on.
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