Tuesday, 2 October 2012

Airship Ideas - Treasure Planet And Guns of Icarus

Since Airships are my favorite of the ideas I had, I decided to research where they have been used a little bit and I came up with a few instances, these were the ones I thought were worth studying more and which I think relate to the project I am doing the most, also I liked these two the most. 

I watched the film Treasure Planet and found it interesting how Disney do certain parts of their films, it seemed like all the scenery and moving OBJECTS in the film are animated and have a 3D look to them, but all the characters and fast moving stuff, some objects and animals, are not animated in the same way (cartoon animation) so it makes certain things stand out from others. The thing I liked most about Treasure Planet is the designs and different types of airships throughout the film, I has given me inspiration and ideas for my own practice and has become one of my favorite Disney films already.

Another really interesting study which was suggested to me by my fellow student Tim, was the game which I had never heard of before known as Guns of Icarus, I watched this youtube video of online gameplay and it seems the objective is to destroy each others air ships whilst maintaining and gunning from your own, it is very interesting as it is the first game of its kind and with a little more refinement could possibly be very popular. The deck of the ship is like what I envisioned the one on the airship I am designing would be like, I will do some concept art based on this concept soon.

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